Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Samples of Time Management Essay for Frontier Dnp Program Ideas
Samples of Time Management Essay for Frontier Dnp Program Ideas What is Really Happening with Samples of Time Management Essay for Frontier Dnp Program Effective time management is necessary for stress reduction, success, and perhaps even survival, especially in the modern society of raising demands on a significantly leaner workforce. Thereare a few time managementprinciples that do apply to everybody, however. Not making very good use of time can impact people in many various ways. If it's not the best usage of your time, delegate it. There are a lot of totally free apps which help to keep you organized. It's essential that you set your priorities and your schedule your time in a means that's flexible and that permits you to acquire the most accomplished in the time that you've got available. If you would like to manage your time effectively here are a few simple measures to achieve what you would like, receive a daily planner and record the times you have to do something, set your priorities, know what's important to you and what's not and rate what ever is important to you on a scale of one to ten. Maybe the actual answer isn't to find more time for marketing, yet to MAKE time. Samples of Time Management Essay for Frontier Dnp Program Help! A seasoned professional will make an error-free assignment very quickly and can help you boost your grades. Be certain your electronic planner doesn't cost you time. Whether you're a self-employed freelancer or an entrepreneur building an increasing business, if you wo rk at home, you are going to have to find out a work routine that gives you the ability to be absolutely the most productive and productive. Employ a professional digital assistant that will help you part-time or full-time. It isn't necessary for a manager to personally take care of every merchandise. Thus don't attempt to convince yourself that you have 8 hours each day to achieve your priority items. Most discover a whole lot of their time is being spent on C and D things which have minimum value. Be realistic and keep flexible. Employing time management during a normal day can help lower stress and simplifies life. You will feel in charge of your life and revel in it even more. On top of that, managing time well reduces strain and anxiety. Or spend time preparing to work, shooting the breeze, surfing the internet, fiddling with email and you're going to finish the day having traded your time for minimal outcomes. The Samples of Time Management Essay for Frontier Dnp Program Cover Up All responsibilities aren't equal. Write out your goals so that you know where you're going. Planning involves choosing tasks that have to be conducted to attain organizational targets, outlining the way the tasks have to be performed, and indicating when they need to be carried out. Write an Action Plan You don't need to know exactly what things to do, some of it you might have to to work out along the way, but you should have an overall plan of action. All About Samples of Time Management Essay for Frontier Dnp Program If you're an employer or little small business operator, time management is vital for making the the majority of your company and achieving your targets. A number of you might not believe that time management is crucial. As a lot of the articles on time management aren't practical for the majority of us, we just read them and forget. Learn what the top four time management issues are and why they're so important. Time management is a toug h endeavor for even the most organized men and women. Developing and utilizing fantastic time management skills is essential to managing personal stress levels. There are numerous time management techniques available, naturally. Time management programs usually concentrate on your own personal productivity, analyzing how you decide to devote your time. The One Thing to Do for Samples of Time Management Essay for Frontier Dnp Program Focus List In order to acquire the most essential work done you need to understand what the most important work is at any certain point in time. Folks will find themselves thinking that twenty four hours in 1 day is simply not enough. Understand what you will accomplish the following day. Know what to deal with first, make the decisions which is likely to make your plans work out to the very best way. Ok, I Think I Understand Samples of Time Management Essay for Frontier Dnp Program, Now Tell Me About Samples of Time Management Essay for Fronti er Dnp Program! Each and every day, you take part in many time-consuming pursuits which don't include things like marketing. No'' is sometimes hard to say because you are taught differently. Life without any sort of organization is extremely stressful and not as productive. The Do's and Don'ts of Samples of Time Management Essay for Frontier Dnp Program You've probably heard that writing articles is an excellent way to market your business. You find a unique sort of stress management n5 question papers. Learn the real issue with time management in this informative article from the author of the new bookIgnited. Learn the true issue with time management in this informative article from the author of the new book Ignited. The Advantages of Samples of Time Management Essay for Frontier Dnp Program When developing your `to do' list you'll also be in a position to be aware the estimated amount of time you will have to finish each endeavor. Be sure to notice every time you start and stop each endeavor. You will be more productive maxing out a couple of things rather than bouncing from task to task. When a job is finished, all emotional energy linked to that task should be published. The Awful Side of Samples of Time Management Essay for Frontier Dnp Program Could you simply earn a rule they must work an 8 hour day. Keep the time log for no less than a week. All you may have to do is keep busy approximately half of the moment. It is very important to manage time wisely.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Management Dissertations - Organisational Misbehavior - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 3054 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? Critically evaluate the argument that organisational misbehavior is a normal feature of organisational life Introduction The notion of organisational misbehavior can be interpreted in a lot of ways based on different perspectives, different people, shifting situations, and by the changing level of awareness and understanding on the life of an organisation. There is a primary purpose of organisations in the context of fulfilling certain individual goals. Northcraft and Neale (1990, p.5) say that people come together and form organisations because organisations can accomplish things that are beyond the reach of individuals. They come together to accomplish what each individual cannot accomplish alone. The meaning of behavior in organisations according to Northcraft and Neale revolve around managing behavior to take advantage of the performance benefits of groups over individuals. This is where the concept of a good behavior and misbehavior takes shape. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Management Dissertations Organisational Misbehavior" essay for you Create order Organisational Behavior Organisational behavior is a multidisciplinary definition that illustrates a number of points (Gibson et al, 2000). Some of these points relate directly to the conduct of the organisation in society. First, it indicates that the behavior of people operate at individual, group, or organisational level. This suggests that when trying to study the organisational misbehavior in the perspective of being a normal part of organisational life, it must identify clearly the levels of analysis individual, group, and the organisation being used. Second, theres a distinctively humanistic orientation within the organisation behavior. Peoples attitudes, perceptions, learning capabilities, and objectives are important to the organisation. They provide the rich mixture for their organisations culture and strategies to evolve and prosper. Thirdly, the external environment is seen as having significant impact on the organisational behavior. Finally, theres also the application orientation which concer ns providing useful answers to questions that arise in the context of managing the organisation. Misbehavior is often interpreted to mean bad behavior or a deviation from the normal norms and ethics expected of individuals and organisations. To say that organisational behavior also involves other certain kinds of misbehavior still descends to the fact that any type of behavior can be either good or bad depending on the context that it is applied to in real life situations. When this type of behavior exists and eventually prevails in any organisational setup, it would likely grow into a certain stature of normalcy and seep into conventional wisdom. In order to understand why this argument seems to make sense in the framework of an organisations life, it is important to first identify the different compositions of an organisation, its objectives, culture, structure, and strategies. The complexities associated with these compositions have made it virtually impossible to model and envision a perfect organisation. Organisations have had some bouts with internal and external conflicts in one way or another. Some have mastered the arts of deception and impropriety. It is unrealistic to say that organisational misbehavior is not part of organisational life either. People in the organisation may misbehave and some people may blame the entire organisation. Others may blame specific people (especially managers) when the real shortcoming came from the organisations policies. Other groups within the organisation or network may deviate from agreements and norms. The organisational culture may not also be up to the times and the current business strategies may not sit well with government regulation policies and industry norms. If these things do happen (and they happen a lot), it is not viable and healthy to draw the line between laying out unspoken rules in classifying organisational behavior to be good and a bad. People and Human Behavior People make up the internal social system of the organisation (Newstrom and Davis, 1997). This system consists of individuals and groups, and large groups as well as small ones. People are the living, thinking, and feeling beings who work in the organisation to achieve their objectives. An organisational structure is filled up with people who decide and deliver the goods for the organisation. Diversity presents a lot of challenges for management to handle. When people become members of an organisation whether in official, unofficial or informal capacity, they bring with them different educational background, talents, interests, and behavior that they eventually contribute for the success or failure of the organisation. The relationship among individuals and groups in an organisation create expectations for an individuals behavior (Gibson et al, 2000, p. 7). An individual can be presented here as the organisation itself. These expectations result in certain leadership and follower rol es that must be performed so that there will be some kind of order and system. Collective expectations can either conform or not to standard behavior. Collective misuse of resources interests, talents, expertise, and management strategies can constitute organisation misbehavior. Punch (1996, p.1) views these misconduct as harmful to the viability of the organisation and constitutes deviance by the organisation. To put it more bluntly, organisational misbehavior eventually boils down to the issue of profits and how it should be maximized. Money has always been a central issue in any organisation and it has often been used to measure the survivability of a business. Organisational goals always take into their mainstream policy the issue of financial and economic stability and prosperity. Punch (1996, p.214) strongly suggested that formal goals of the organisation thus constitute a front for the real goals of management which is to provide a money machine for its owners and other insiders. If it is already common and normal for criminals to use any tool or weapon to perpetuate a crime, it would also seem normal for organisations to use the organisation itself to obtain money from victims of its misbehavior. The victims may actually be the customers or the members themselves. It is a prime example of what is called the organisational weapon the organisation is for white-collar criminals as the gun or knife is for the common criminals (Wheeler and Rothman, 1982, cited in Punch, 1996). In short, an organisation is set up for the primary purpose of making a substantial amount of money in the form of a profit and improving the quality of life for the individual members of the organisation. Organisations have systems of authority, status, and power, and people in organisations have varying needs for each system. People need money and a sense of fulfillment. People also need power to impose their will to others. People want to attain a certain level of success as measured by their status and standing in the organisation. Taken as a whole, organisations follow certain types of ethical behavior and standards defined along its objectives and future goals. It is also believed that adherence to moral standards on the job can have positive outcomes on the organisation and society by promoting strong ethical behavior in any aspects of life (Mares, 2005). This strong behavior of one organisation can be used as a strong issue against another organisation which is considered to be misbehaving just because it was not able to adhere to certain moral standards previously attained. Organisational Structure An organisational structure defines the formal relationship and use of people in organisations. According to Newstrom and Devis (1997), different jobs are required to accomplish all of an organisations activities. There are managers, employees, accountants, assemblers, and others who have to be related in some structural way so that their work can be effectively coordinated. How is the structure of the organisation related to the conduct of an organisation? According to Thompson (1997, p.588), structure is the means by which the organisation seeks to achieve its strategic objectives and implement strategies and strategic changes. Assuming that these strategies and changes are concerned with relating the organisations resources to its goals, will these resources be used in the proper way acceptable to all in the society? If change is necessary, it is correct to point out that resistance to change can constitute another concept of misbehavior. People confronting changes in their working environments often exhibit dysfunctional behaviors like aggression, projection, and avoidance (Hirschheim, 1995 p. 160). These types of behavioral patterns affect the overall behavior of the organisation. Another thing to consider in the organisational structure is the way decision making is delegated and observed. Thompson described the extent by which a decentralized and centralized setup of management decision making is vital in adapting to strategic change. In a centralized setup, organisational misbehavior is usually highlighted at the top management level because only a handful of people are empowered to do the decision making. A decentralized setup allows decisions to be made by most people who must implement change and usually allows the organisation a more collective approach to making decisions based on what is morally and ethically correct. This statement however, does not imply that a decentralized structure eliminates instances of misbehavior. It only lessens the probability. On the other hand, a decentralized setup could empower smaller groups within the organisation to abuse their power and open the possibility of misbehavior on a smaller scale. According to Tsahuridu, specialization and division of work that occurs in organizations may make people in organizations unable to see the illegality and immorality of certain actions. Each action is a part of a chain of actions, and even though each individual act may be legitimate and moral, all the actions linked together may constitute an illegal or immoral activity, which each individual participant may be ignorant of. Organisational Objectives and Culture Organisations must have objectives in order to exist. Objectives are always centered on what is basically good for the organisation, whether the resulting action or consequences is bad. How is organisational objectives tied to organisational behavior? Profit and growth are means to other ends rather than objectives in themselves (Acoff, 1986, cited in Thompson, 1997). There is then a question of whether profit is the ultimate objective of profit seeking business organisations or whether it is merely a means to other ends, which themselves constitute the real objectives (Thompson, 1997, p.153). Organisational behavior can be better understood by assuming whether the real goal of the organisation is to maximize profit or to provide them with a good quality of life and better standard of living. Harris and Hartman (2002, p. 75) said that an organisations culture consists of the values, norms, and attitudes of the people who make up the organisation. Values show what is important; norms reveal expected behavior; attitudes show the mind-set of individuals. Organisational culture therefore tells people what is important in the organisation, how to behave, and how to see things. Culture is a part of organisational life that influences the behavior, attitudes, and overall effectiveness of members (Gibson et al, 2000). Managers are usually in the forefront of formulating organisational strategies and policies. Johnson and Scholes (1997, p.79-80) argued that in formulating policies, managers should regard experience (good or bad) as constraints on developments. They say that in order to develop the organisation to cope with todays changing environments, they need to challenge the people around them and experiment with their different ideas and conflicting views in a pluralistic approach. The job of top management therefore is to create this sort of organisation by building teams that can work in such ways through the development of the everyday behavior and culture of the organisation. All of the issues related to the organisation in general have a tendency to influence and affect the behavior of the organisation. While it is safe to assume that the notion of misbehavior in the organisation tends to focus on the wrong or negative side of the organisation, it is preferred that misbehavior should be corrected and dealt with by focusing on how to manage and institute reforms in the different aspects of the organisation. This is a tall and complex order. Organisational behavior is not only influenced by the different factors previously mentioned. Management policies have a tendency to adapt to changing situations in their environments. Some organisations strategies may take advantage of weak government policies and regulations and find loopholes with which they can misbehave without being noticed. Other organisations strategies tend to focus on covering up unethical practices with good and convincing arguments that their actions go against standard practices but at th e same time, benefit a large segment of society. Punch (1996, p.1) described the behavior of todays organisations as problematic and worrying. He reasons out that different kinds of organisational misbehavior are often caused by managers lending themselves to deviant activities and the inability of government, business, and regulatory agencies to control effectively such misbehavior. He explains that this was largely because the subjects of business crime and corporate deviance have been sadly neglected by criminologists and crime-fighting bodies in favor of other areas such as street crimes, low-level law enforcement, and the prison system. Almost everyday, new types of organisation misbehavior are being uncovered and brought out into the open. As these corporate scandals and other forms of financial misconduct often perpetuated by top level management are exposed, more and more sophisticated strategies and techniques are slowly being uncovered. It is quite interesting to know that one kind of misbehavior can be linked to another form of misbehavior in another corporate partner within the network of organisations. Other sets of misbehavior can involve almost all levels of the organisational hierarchy. The realities faced by an organisation are different from others. Each organisation has an identity, an objective, a strategic plan, and differing sets of policies and regulations. Harris and Hartman (2002, p. 97) said this is because the underlying premise in the ideal culture is that the formal organisations norms and values are to be consistent with those of the various individuals and groups within the organisation. They say that the norms and values of individuals and groups of the organisation are hostile to formal organisational goals. This is especially true to members of top-level management and the rank and file members. Their hidden values may contradict the official policies of the organisation. Sometimes, the organisation may not value the potential contribution of its members. The need to create competitive advantage for profit and growth without the proper ethical system in place can lead to drastic steps and ethically questionable decisions and actions. Some members of the organisation may feel the need to make reforms while others may think taking radical steps will eventually spell success. Discontentment and trouble may brew over different signals and messages that the inner structure of the organisation send out to the outside world. It is therefore evident that culture can become very counterproductive and the basis of confidence, cooperation, and adherence to standard norms and behavior can be damaging to the overall behavior of the organisation. This is the start of the decay of organisational values and norms and provides a fertile ground for breeding misconduct and misbehavior in any front of the organisation. Conclusions Misbehavior is a normal part of an organisations life. It is not a question of whether it exists or not. It tends to become an issue when organisations tolerate and do nothing to correct these deviances from normal behavior and when organisations formulate policies that sheer away from ethical standards that govern them. Why is it that organisational misbehaviors tend to exist even in model companies and organisations recognized for their professional excellence? There are different ways of understanding organisational misbehavior in the context of whether it is normal or not in an organisational life. If we try to look closely at the term normal and misbehavior, there are two things which would come into mind. First, nothing is perfect and it is perfectly normal for people to commit mistakes, either willingly or unwillingly. People can always create rules and policies to counter certain misconduct. Organisations can always innovate and deviate from these rules in order to attain their goals. In these instances, there is no such thing as a perfect law governing businesses and there is also no such thing as a perfect business strategy. In normal instances, mistakes are part of the learning process. As this cycle continues today, organisational misbehavior has already come to the point where people have already considered it part and parcel of their everyday life. It is part of the reality of life that has something to do with existence and how mankind adapts to ongoing changes. The only thing that people consider to be an issue in organisation misbehavior is the level or degree of how it affects society. Second, in order to survive, some organisations have to take the risk, whether this will put them in the burner for good or elevate their status in the business community. These risks are normally present in their business strategies, structure, objectives, and culture. They can follow the business rules by the book and end up earning nothing or they may deviate from certain rules and norms and reap profits. Again, it is normal for organisations to take risks and reap the benefits. All of the characteristics of an organisation are linked to one another to form their own identity and behavior. People are in a social structure within the organisation and are empowered to make good or bad decisions. The structure of the organisation limits or expands the power to make decisions. Bibliography Books Gibson, James et al. (2000).Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Processes. 3rd edition. McGraw-Hill, Manila. Harris, J and Hartman, S. (2002). Organizational Behavior. Haworth Press. New York. Hirschheim, R.A. (1995). Office Automation: A Social and Organizational Perspective. John Wiley. Oxford Johnson, Gerry and Scholes, Kevan. (1997). Exploring Corporate Strategy.Prentice Hall. UK Newstrom, John and Davis, Keith. (1997) Organizational Behavior: Human Behavior at Work. McGraw-Hill. Northcraft, Gregory and Neale, Margaret.(1990).Organizational Behavior:A Management Challenge. Dryden Press, Florida. Punch, Maurice. (1996). Dirty Business: Exploring Corporate Misconduct. SAGE Publications, London. Thompson, John (1997).Strategic Management: Awareness and Change. 3rd Edition.International Thompson Business Press.Boston Journal Article Mares, Micheal (2005), The Importance of Business Ethics,Retrieved last February 26, 2005 from https://www.webcpa.com Tsuahurido, Eva, Ethics and Integrity: What Australian Organizations Seek and Offer in Recruitment Advertisements,Retrieved: March 3, 2005 from https://www.pamij.com/7_4/v7n4_tsahuridu.html
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hey India - 1828 Words
SocEntResearch.org | SocEntResearch.org | Collecting data on social entrepreneurs is problematic for a number of reasons. For instance, the nascency of the field means that there are relatively few (as compared with fields like commercial entrepreneurship or family firms) potential subjects for those wanting to study founders of social ventures. Moreover, due to the global nature of the field, social entrepreneurs tend to be a disbursed group. Add to this the fact that there is little government-mandated public information on most social enterprises (as is the case with publically-traded firms, for example), and one can understand why few empirical studies on social entrepreneurship have gone beyond case studies. This is†¦show more content†¦While the GEM is, like the PSED, primarily concerned with tradition commercial entrepreneurship, the study allows for some SocEnt research. Recent versions of the GEM individual-level datasets include the following question: â€Å"Are you, alone or with others, currently trying to start or currently owning and managing any kind of activity, organisation or initiative that has a particular social, environmental or community objective? This might include providing services or training to socially deprived or disabled persons, using profits for socially oriented purposes, organising self-help groups for community action, etc.†Those respondents that answer in the affirmative may be classified as social entrepreneurs and analysis may be conducted both within this sub-sample, or comparisons may be made with those that answered in the negative.3) Depending on your definition of ‘social enterprise’ (See our definitions page), IRS 990 forms may be an excellent source of secondary. For instance, many consider social enterprise to be nonprofits using earned income strategies. 990s are the tax forms that nonprofit organizations must file each year. Among the things they must report are the sources of their income; i.e., how much did they get from donations, government grants, membership dues, sales of goods/services, etc. With this, one may argue, for example, that nonprofits with more earned income from sales of goods and services are moreShow MoreRelatedA Passage To India by E.M. Forster 1224 Words  | 5 Pages In A Passage To India, E.M. Forster uses the technological infrastructure motif to support his theme that people from vastly different backgrounds have difficulty forming true friendships. He contrasts the stately, structured English architecture with the chaotic, organically-inspired Indian architecture and the high-tech, powerful English automobiles with the more primitive transportation alternatives that the Indians possessed. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Organizational Objectives And Existing Marketing Strategies - Woolwort
Question: Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities of Woolworths? Answer: Introduction Woolworths was established in 1924 in Sydney and today it has become the leading retailer of grocery and liquor in Australia (Woolworths.com.au, 2015). Over the last twenty five years Woolworths has been synonyms with fresh food. The company has been extensively focusing on offering wide range of fresh foods to its customers. The product range of the company includes fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and meat and dairy products. Additionally, drinks, desserts, biscuit snacks, canned food, tobacco, cigarettes, magazines beauty and wellness products. The leading retailer of Australia has given first priority to its customers and focusing in improving the product range and service in order to satisfy their demands. It has been supporting the community through the managing partnership with the local farmers. This paper will focus on analyzing the existing marketing strategy and assist in identification of the marketing opportunities (Loudon, Stevens Wrenn, 2005). In order to und ertake this study, an appointment was fixed with the store manager of Woolworths in Sydney. Organizational Objectives and Existing Marketing Strategies Objectives: Woolworths have been focusing on extending its leadership in food and liquor. Another principle strategic priority of the company is to undertake activities for maximizing the value of shareholders. The company has been putting extensive emphasize on maintaining its past records of developing new business opportunities for sustainable growth. These are the major business objectives of Woolworths. The company has designed its strategies for achievement of the business growth planned by the management. Existing Marketing Strategy and its Outcome: The marketing strategy of Woolworths has considered the dynamic business environment and focused on adoption of a framework for meeting the changing customer demand. The business direction is entirely driven by the customers. The current marketing strategy includes giving top priority to the customers (Kotler, 2000). Presently, the company has identified that one of the important element of marketing element; place strategy needs to be changed for ensuring high level of the convenience to the customers. Woolworths has been offering websites, mobile apps, virtual stores and new delivery options to complement its stores. Promotional strategy is one of the important factors for retaining the customers (Wilson Gilligan, 2005). In order earn customer loyalty; the company has focused on designing a public relation initiative through introduction of Everyday Rewards Program which offers wide range of exclusive offers as well as promotions (Woolworthslimited.com.au, 2015). In order to devel op new strategies, Woolworths has been utilizing the customer feedback for making significant difference to the customers through meeting their growing expectation (Omar Sawmong, 2007). In case of products, the company has been offering fresh foods which are sourced from the local farmers. The meat and poultry products are 100% fresh and the fruit and vegetables are 96% fresh (Woolworths Online, 2015). Additionally, the company has been offering better bag packing as well as large bags at the self service check outs, more half sized trolleys, an up to date store directory in every aisle and better seasonality information for fresh food. These are the major marketing strategies of Woolworths for product, place and promotion (Winer, 2000). The outcomes of implementation of these strategies are reflected in the organizational performance. It has been found that the existing marketing strategy of Woolworths is effective and helps the organization in achieving most of its objectives. It has been reported that the in the last half of 2013, Woolworths has sales of 1.8 billion dollars. It must be noted that this is the strongest sales growth since 2011(Businessreviewaustralia.com, 2015). The fastest growing retailer of Australia has been able to achieve the increase in business value through its effective marketing strategy. Doubling of the business growth can be significantly attributed to the effective marketing strategy such as loyalty program which has effectively helped in engaging the customers. Additionally, the product strategy which emphasized on offering wide range of fresh food helped in the attracting the health conscious Australian customers. Marketing Opportunities Marketing opportunities refer to the further scope for enhancing the business growth through designing an effective marketing strategy which will addressing the threats of changing the external business environment across the globe. Though Woolworths has been performing well over the years, it has been encountering significant threat from its competitors. It has been found that the Woolworths and Coles have been dominating the retail market of Australia for several years. Presently, the entrance of a German retailer, Aldi has been becoming a threat for the leading retailers of Australia. Aldi is a discount supermarket and its own labels are gaining significant popularity. It has been observed that in the post global financial crisis, the Australian consumers have been focusing on the value for money (Ramachandra, Chandrashekara Shivakumar, 2010). A cultural shift is prominent in case of Australian consumers and they are growing tired of the conventional shopping experiences and incr easingly accepting the bargain hunting. Hence, the competition in the retail market is intensifying rapidly (Mitchell, 2014). The customers prefer the low priced products of Aldi for saving. Additionally Aldi has been offering some exclusive products which will help in causing a sensation with the shoppers. For instance, according to the report of Nielson, Mamia range of nappies has been the most popular brand sold in the Australia. Additionally, the ski gear offered by Aldi has received significant popularity (MEHRA, 2015). It has been estimated that Aldi has the potential to snatch around $ 250 to $350 million from the sales of Woolworths. According to UBS, the sales of Aldi will reach $9.3 billion within 2019 as it is planning to open new shops in Western and South Australia (Mitchell, 2014). Hence, Woolworths need to focus on the new market opportunities for competing with the rapidly growing German retailer. This section will focus on recommending three new marketing strategies for Woolworths. Product Strategy: Customers are focusing on purchasing fresh and high quality product at cheaper price. Additionally, the new products offered by the competitors have significantly attracted the customer base. Hence, it can be recommended that Australia needs to focus on the innovation for offering some exclusive products which can be easily afforded by the customers. For example, some innovative hobby and leisure products, innovative home appliances can be offered at Woolworths. Woolworths has significant potential for investing higher amount in research and development for supporting the innovation activities (Parry, 2005). Thus, new product development and innovation is essential for exploring the new markets of Australia and enhancing customer base of the company which will ultimately lead to the achievement of targeted growth of the company (Marshall Johnston, 2010). Pricing Strategy: Price is a major concern for Woolworths as Aldi has been growing by offering huge discounts on its products. It has been found that the customers are focusing on the purchasing the inexpensive products with similar quality. Hence, Woolworths need to focus on adoption of competitive pricing strategy. First of all, it needs to control its cost through several cost cutting strategies (Businessreviewaustralia.com, 2015). Additionally, the company needs to reduce the profit margin for offering lower price of the products. Therefore, the reduced profit margin can be compensated with the aid of increased level of sales (Noyan Simsek, 2011). Promotional Strategy: Promotional strategy helps the company in effective marketing communication. In order to compete with the market rivals, Woolworths need to enhance its promotional activities. (Dalrymple Parsons, 2000) First of all, on a certain day of the week, the company can offer he discount on some specific products. Additionally, it can offer complementary items on a purchase of certain amount. Least selling products will be given as the complementary goods on a specific day (Loudon, Stevens Wrenn, 2005). It will be significantly effective in attracting the customers who are value focused. Additionally, organizing in store events where the children and women can participate will be effective in spending more time within the shop and ultimately lead to enhanced sales (Kotler, 2000). Thus, the promotional strategy needs to be changed for exploring the market opportunities and enhancing sales. Conclusion This paper has focused on providing an insight to the development of new marketing strategy for Woolworths. It has been found that the company has been able to manage significant growth over the years. Woolworths has focused on its customers and their needs for satisfying those efficiently. The company has designed effective customer loyalty program for retaining its customer base. The wide product range contains fresh fruit and vegetables along with meat and poultry products which have helped in attracting the health conscious consumers. However, it must be noted that Aldi, a German retailer has been considered to be a major threat for the growth of Woolworths. Hence, it is important to change the marketing strategy of the company. Hence, the company needs focus on diversifying its product range through innovation. Additionally, the company needs to adopt competitive pricing for attracting more number of customers. 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